This driver supports the serial "Mini-Terminals" made by [[http://www.bue.de|Beckmann+Egle]]:
With LCD4Linux-0.10, the new [[http://www.bue.de/produkte-und-dienstleistungen/ct.html|CompactTerminals]] are supported, too:
These controllers provide a lot of additional features, and my be extended with various modules: (from left to right: key module, I/O module, LAN module)
{{:xm-key2x4.jpg)]] [[:[Image(xm-io.jpg)]]] [[Image(xm-net-a.jpg}}
===== Display Section =====
Display {
Driver 'Beckmann+Egle'
Backlight <0|1>
===== Parameters =====
|**Model**|see below|
|**Size**|the CT20x4 can control smaller displays, too. In this case specify x here (e.g. "16x2")|
|**Port**|serial device the display is attached to (e.g.'/dev/ttyS2')|
|**Speed**|the baud rate from the display must match this value. Possible values are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and 115200|
|**Contrast**|initial contrast (0..15)|
|**Backlight**|initial backlight state (0=off, 1=on)|
|**Icons**|Number of user-defined chars reserved for Icons (default: 0)|
===== Models =====
The driver supports different displays, which can be selected with the //Model// parameter:
|**MT16x1**|!MultiTerminal 16x1|
|**MT16x2**|!MultiTerminal 16x2|
|**MT16x4**|!MultiTerminal 16x4|
|**MT20x1**|!MultiTerminal 20x1|
|**MT20x2**|!MultiTerminal 20x2|
|**MT20x4**|!MultiTerminal 20x4|
|**MT24x1**|!MultiTerminal 24x1|
|**MT24x2**|!MultiTerminal 24x2|
|**MT32x1**|!MultiTerminal 32x1|
|**MT32x2**|!MultiTerminal 32x2|
|**MT40x1**|!MultiTerminal 40x1|
|**MT40x2**|!MultiTerminal 40x2|
|**MT40x4**|!MultiTerminal 40x4|
|**CT20x4**|!CompactTerminal 20x4|
===== Plugins =====
The driver provides the following functions (with a MultiTerminal only!):
|LCD::contrast()|return the current contrast value|
|LCD::contrast(n)|set the contrast to (0..15)|
|LCD::backlight()|return the current backlight state|
|LCD::backlight(v)|switch the backlight on (v=1) or off (v=0)|
|LCD::gpo(n)|return the current state of GPO (0..7)|
|LCD::gpo(n,v)|set the GPO to level (0..255)|
|LCD::gpi(n)|return the current state of GPI (0..7)|
|LCD::adc()|return the current value of the ADC input|
|LCD::pwm(v)|set the PWM output to value (0..255)|
GPO: //General Purpose Output// \\\
GPI: //General Purpose Input// \\\
ADC: //Analog/Digital Converter// \\\
PWM: //Pulse Width Modulation// \\\
===== Example =====
Display CT20x4 {
Driver 'Beckmann+Egle'
Model 'CT20x4'
Port '/dev/tts/0'
Size '20x4'
Contrast 7
Backlight 1
Icons 1