[[http://www.cwlinux.com|Cwlinux]] offers several LCD kits:
===== CW1602 =====
a 16x2 text display with either serial or USB interface:
Front View:
Serial Version:
USB Version:
===== CW12232 =====
A graphics display (122x32 pixels, **20x4** characters) again with either serial or USB interface.
Serial Version:
USB Version:
The USB version uses an USB to serial converter from Prolific (PL2303) with VendorID 0x067b and ProductID 0x2303.
The Linux Kernel 2.6 support this with the module pl2303. It demands 500mA, so you need an active powered USB port.
The really cool fact with their displays is that the whole thing is mounted into a half-height 5 1/4 drive bay:
Character LCD with Keypad:
Graphic LCD:
Graphic LCD with Keypad:
... or white:
===== CW12832 =====
A graphics display (128x32 pixels, **20x4** characters) with USB interface.
===== Display Section =====
Display {
Driver 'Cwlinux'
===== Parameters =====
|Model|'CW1602', 'CW12232' or 'CW12832'|
|Port|serial device the display is attached to (e.g.'/dev/ttyS2')|
|Speed|the baud rate from the display must match this value. Possible values are 1200, 2400, 9600 and 19200|
|Brightness|initial backlight brightness, 0..8|
|Icons|number of user-defined chars reserved for icons (default: 0)|
===== Plugins =====
The driver provides the following functions (depends on the display model):
|LCD::brightness()|return current brightness setting|
|LCD::brightness(n)|set brightness to n (0..8)|
===== Keypad support =====
The keypad is supported in lcd4linux-0.10.1-RC1.
===== Example =====
Display CW12232 {
Driver 'Cwlinux'
Model 'CW12232'
Port '/dev/ttyUSB0'
Speed 19200
Brightness 2
Icons 1
Widget keyConfirm {
class 'Keypad'
position 'confirm'
state 'pressed'
expression LCD::brightness(4)