{{:CwLinux:cwlinux_logo.png}} Cwlinux offers two LCD kits: **CW1602**: a 16x2 text display with either serial or USB interface: Front View:\\\ #!html Serial Version:\\\ #!html USB Version:\\\ #!html **CW12232**: A graphics display (122x32 pixels, 20x4 characters) again with either serial or USB interface. Serial Version:\\\ #!html USB Version:\\\ #!html The really cool fact with their displays is that the whole thing is mounted into a half-height 5 1/4 drive bay: Character LCD with Keypad:\\\ #!html Graphic LCD:\\\ #!html Graphic LCD with Keypad:\\\ #!html ... or white:\\\ #!html ===== Configuration: ===== The driver needs/supports the following entries in lcd4linux.conf: **Display**: "CW1602" or "CW12232 \\\ **Port**: e.g. "/dev/ttyS1"(serial) or "/dev/usb/tts/1"(USB)\\\ **Speed**: should be "19200"\\\ **Brightness**: 0 (backlight off) to 8 (backlight max)\\\ ----