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download [2022/03/08 11:12]
maronvl Delete dead sourcecode download links
download [2022/03/08 11:13] (current)
maronvl Delete dead subversion links
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 To read more about IPCop go to http://www.ipcop.org To read more about IPCop go to http://www.ipcop.org
-===== Subversion Repository ===== 
-If you want to stay with the bleeding edge development of lcd4linux, you may have a look at the [[:browser:|SVN web interface.]] 
-To access the repository in a read-only way, you need a subversion client and the following instruction:     
-svn co https://ssl.bulix.org/svn/lcd4linux/trunk lcd4linux 
-This command will create a directory 'lcd4linux' for you, containing the current SVN code. If you want to update your local dir (which you should do on a regular basis), use the following command (inside the lcd4linux directory): 
-svn up 
-==== Subversion write access ==== 
-If you are a developer and want to commit things into the repository, you need an account there. Choose a username and a password, and send us the output of 
-htpasswd2 -n -s <user> 
-(depending on your distribution, there may be no //htpasswd2// command, but a //htpasswd//) 
-==== Firewall issues ==== 
-Some firewalls - especially big corporate ones - block the WebDAV protocol used by svn, presumably due to security concerns. In such a situation the transaction will time-out with an error message such as 
-svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/lcd4linux/trunk' 
->>> svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/lcd4linux/trunk':  
- could not connect to server (https://ssl.bulix.org) 
-If you see this, take it up with the administrator of your firewall! 
  • download.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/08 11:13
  • by maronvl