===== Get rid of your printer port adapter now! =====
The [[http://www.harbaum.org/till/lcd2usb|LCD2USB]] is a cheap do-it-yourself interface to connect HD44780 based text lcd displays via USB. LCD2USB is cheap and consists of easy-to-obtain parts only. The
interface has been tested with 2*16, 2*20, 4*20, 4*27 and 4*40 displays and supports software
adjustable contrast and backlight as well as dual controller displays (required for 4*27 and 4*40).
It is based upon the [[http://www.obdev.at/products/avrusb/index.html|AVR USB]] implementation. This
is a pure software implementation of the USB protocol for the Atmel AVR microcontroller series.
The whole interface incl. the hardware layout is under a GPL like license. This means that you
can take these schematics and use it as a basis for your own interface e.g. for a graphic LCD.
===== Display Section =====
Display {
Driver 'LCD2USB'
Size ''
Bus ''
Device ''
asc255bug <0|1>
===== Parameters =====
|Size|x example '16x2'|
|Bus|Bus name as displayed during USB scan (e.g. '003'). Only required when using multiple LCD2USB interfaces.|
|Device|Device name as displayed during USB scan (e.g. '004'). Only required when using multiple LCD2USB interfaces.|
|Contrast|initial contrast value, 0..255 (useful range depends on the display)|
|Brightness|initial backlight brightness, 0..255|
|Icons|Number of user-defined chars reserved for Icons (default: 0)|
|asc255bug|set to 1 if you don't get solid blocks in bars, but an a wire character|
===== Examples =====
Display LCD2USB {
Driver 'LCD2USB'
Bus '003'
Device '004'
Contrast 250
Brightness 200
Icons 1
===== Plugins =====
The driver provides the following functions:
|LCD::contrast(n)|set contrast to n (0..255, range depends on the display)|
|LCD::brightness(n)|set backlight brightness (0..255)|
===== Buttons =====
The driver includes routines to read the button states, but at the moment
(lcd4linux-0.10.1-CVS) there is no support for buttons in the framework.
According to [[https://ssl.bulix.org/projects/lcd4linux/wiki/widget_keypad]] the keypad widget of LCD4Linux-0.10.1-RC1 supports the buttons of LCD2USB.