====== CONFIGURATION ======
The config file (default: /etc/lcd4linux.conf) contains the configuration and layout of LCD4Linux. Starting with 0.10, the format changed a lot, and is now much more flexible.
Any text on a line after a hash character ('#') (and empty lines) will be ignored (If you want to use '#' in a value (think of X11-colors), you have to quote it with a backslash). Empty lines and lines containing only whitespace characters will be ignored, too.
The file consists of sections, subsections and parameters. Section and parameter names are not case sensitive. A key must not contain whitespace.
A parameter looks like this:
name value
**BIG FAT WARNING**: Every //value// from the config file is treated as an //expression//, and therefore will be //[[:Evaluator|evaluated]]//. This means that normally you have to enclose a value in single quotes so that it evaluates to a string!
Some examples:
name1 value1
name2 'value2'
name3 '2+3'
name4 2+3
name5 '42'
name6 42
//name1// will be evaluated from the expression 'value1', which will return 0 (or an empty string), which is normally not what you want (except when value1 is the name of a variable).\\\
//name2// will return the string 'value2', which is what you want.\\\
//name3// will return the string '2+3'\\\
//name4// will evaluate the expression '2+3', and will return 5\\\
//name5// will evaluate to the string '42' (or the number 42 in numeric context)\\\
//name6// gives exactly the same result as name5\\\
//Sections// looks like this:
section_a {
name1 value1
section_b name_b {
name2 value2
section_c name_c {
name3 value3
section_d {
name4 value4
So a section may or may not have a name!
Sections can be written in a //compact// form, so the following is fully equivalent to the example above:
section_a.name1 value1
section_b:name_b.name2 value2
section_c:name_c.name3 value3
section_c:name_c.section_d.name4 value4
Sections and section names are concatenated with a colon (':'); sections, subsections and keys are concatenated with a dot ('.')
Here's a more real-world example: the following two entries (from a wiring configuration) are equivalent:
Wire {
===== Section selection =====
Note that there's a difference between //name value { }// and //name value//: The first defines a section, the second a parameter, but both have the same name! This is used to //select// a specific section.
Take a look at this:
Display My_20x4 {
Display My_16x2 {
Display My_16x2
You define two display sections with different names, and afterwards select one of the sections.
===== Special sections =====
some sections have a special meaning:
**[[:Displays|Display]]**: Display-specific configuration, depends on the display and driver used.\\\
**[[:Plugins|Plugin]]**: Configuration for specific plugins (rarely used)\\\
**[[:Layout|Widget]]**: Definition of Widgets \\\
**[[:Layout|Layout]]**: How and where widgets are placed on the display\\\
**Variables**: Definition of variables\\\
===== Minimalistic example configuration =====
Display HD44780-20x2 {
Driver 'HD44780'
Model 'generic'
UseBusy 1
Port '/dev/parport0'
Size '20x2'
Wire {
Widget CPU {
class 'Text'
expression uname('machine')
prefix 'CPU '
width 9
align 'L'
update tick
Layout Default {
Row1 {
Col1 'CPU'
Variables {
tick 500
Display 'HD44780-20x2'
Layout 'Default'
There is at least one //[[:Displays|Display]]// section, which describes and configures your display.\\\
You have some //[[:Layout|Widget]]// sections, which define what and how data is displayed.\\\
Widgets are placed on the display in the //[[:Layout|Layout]]// section.\\\
===== Security =====
Because of security reasons (the configuration may contain usernames/passwords for mail accounts) the config file is assured to be:
* file is a normal file (or /dev/null)
* file owner is owner of program
* file is not accessible by group
* file is not accessible by other
So if you run lcd4linux as root, /etc/lcd4linux.conf has to be:
chmod 600
chown root.root