{{:lcdshop.jpg}} {{:wallbraun.jpg}} This driver supports displays from [[http://tilofranz.net/lcdshop/|LCDShop24]] using the **LCD-USB-Interface** by [[http://wallbraun-electronics.de|Wallbraun Electronics]]. The displays are fully graphical with a resolution of 320x240 pixels. The driver supports loading of a background image, therefore the results look //really// cool: {{:LUI1mini.jpg}} Have a look at the [[:CoolStuff|Cool Stuff]] page for a larger picture! The driver needs a special library called "libLUIse" which can be downloaded from [[http://www.wallbraun-electronics.de|Wallbraun Electronics]]. //configure// tries to detect if the library is available, and otherwise disables the driver. Since 2008-10-14 there are additional informations about V3 controller with documentation of the protocol used. Wallbraun Electronics will not publish own Linux drivers for the V3 controller. ---- ===== Display Section ===== Display { Driver 'LUIse' Model 'generic' DeviceNum Backlight <0|1> Contrast Foreground Background Basecolor Backpicture Mode ... } ---- ===== Parameters: ===== |**Driver**|'LUIse'| |**Model**|'generic'| |**DeviceNum**|currently alwys 0, maybe someday more than one display will be supported| |**Backlight**|initial backlight state, 0(off) or 1(on)| |**Contrast**|initial contrast value, 0..255| |**Foreground**|color of active pixels (RRGGBBAA or RRGGBB), default is opaque black '000000ff' (see [[:colors]] for details)| |**Background**|color of inactive pixels (RRGGBBAA or RRGGBB), default is transparent 'ffffff00' (see [[:colors]] for details)| |**Basecolor**|color of virtual backlight (RRGGBB), default is white 'ffffff' (see [[:colors]] for details)| |**Backpicture**|full patth to a BMP file loaded as background image| |**Mode**|four numbers controlling the display mode:| |gfxmode|0=or 1=and 2=xor| |gfxinfert|0=normal 1=invert| |ScreenRotation|0=normal 1=90° 2=180° 3=240°| |IORefresh|0=25ms .. 255=256*25ms| ---- ===== Plugins: ===== The driver provides the following functions: |**LCD::Backlight(n)**|turns the display backlight on(1) or off(0)| |**LCD::Contrast(n)**|sets the display contrast (0..255)| ---- ===== Example ===== Display LUIse { Driver 'LUIse' Model 'generic' DeviceNum '0' Backlight '1' Contrast '110' Backpicture '/home/tooly/backpics/bigwig4_normal.bmp' Mode '' } ----