{{:Palm-Logo.png}} LCD4Linux can control a PalmPilot handheld running [[http://palmorb.sourceforge.net|PalmOrb]], a little progam that emulates a [[http://www.matrixorbital.com|MatrixOrbital]] LK204-25 Display. {{:PalmOrb.png}} Instead of a real Palm, you can even use [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/pose|POSE]], the Palm OS Emulator (that's where I got the picture from). ---- ===== Display Section ===== Display { Driver 'MatrixOrbital' Model 'LK204-25' Port Speed 19200 Icons } ---- ===== Parameters ===== |**Driver**|'MatrixOrbital'| |**Model**|'LK204-25'| |**Port**|serial/USB device the Palm is attached to (e.g.'/dev/ttyS2' or '/dev/tts/USB1')| |**Speed**|19200 (fixed)| |**Icons**|Number of user-defined chars reserved for Icons (default: 0)| ----