#!html This driver supports the Pertelian X2040 displays as manufactured by [[http://pertelian.com|Pertelian]] and was written by Andy Powell from [[http://linitx.com|LinITX.com]] * Hitachi HD44780 based LCD character display * LCD inside a compact 4.5" x 2.5" x 0.85" enclosure * New larger LCD display sporting 20 columns by 4 lines text display with font size 5x7 dots * Built in characters plus 8 user defined characters * Electroluminescent light green backlight * Also includes Velcro attachment * Includes custom stand * USB 1.0+ interface * Communicate over USB interface with attached 6' cable ===== Display Section ===== Display { Driver 'Pertelian' Port 'string' Size 'string' Backlight <0|1> Icons } ---- ===== Parameters ===== |**Driver**|'Pertelian'| |**Port**|for example /dev/ttyUSB0 | |**Size**|x for now only 20x4 is available | |**Backlight**|initial backlight state (0=off, 1=on)| |**Icons**|Number of user-defined chars reserved for Icons (default: 0) (maximum 8)|