This driver supports the [[|PHAnderson]] serial-to-HD44780 controller. ---- ===== Display Section ===== Display { Driver 'PHAnderson' Port Speed Size Blackligth Bootscreen WRITE READ BOOT } ---- ===== Parameters ===== |**Driver**|'PHAnderson'| |**Port**|serial device the display is attached to (e.g.'/dev/ttyS2')| |**Speed**|the baud rate from the display must match this value. Possible values are 2400, 9600 and 19200| |**Size**|x e.g. "16x2"| |**Blacklight**|initial backlight brightness, 0..255| |**Bootscreen**|initial message at LCD power on| |**WRITE**|write eeprom execution timing in millisecondes, default is 170ms| |**READ**|read eeprom execution timing in millisecondes, default is 10ms| |**BOOT**|write boot message execution timing in millisecondes, default is 300ms| ---- ===== Example ===== Display LCDTerm { Driver 'PHAnderson' Port '/dev/tts/0' Speed 19200 Size '24x2' Blackligth 100 Bootscreen '123456789012345678901234ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX' WRITE 170 READ 10 BOOT 300 } ----