Table of Contents

This driver supports the PHAnderson serial-to-HD44780 controller.

Display Section

Display <name> {
    Driver    'PHAnderson'
    Port      <string>
    Speed     <number>
    Size      <string>
    Blackligth <number>
    Bootscreen <string>
    WRITE     <number>
    READ      <number>
    BOOT      <number>


Portserial device the display is attached to (e.g.'/dev/ttyS2')
Speedthe baud rate from the display must match this value. Possible values are 2400, 9600 and 19200
Size<columns>x<rows> e.g. “16×2“
Blacklightinitial backlight brightness, 0..255
Bootscreeninitial message at LCD power on
WRITEwrite eeprom execution timing in millisecondes, default is 170ms
READread eeprom execution timing in millisecondes, default is 10ms
BOOTwrite boot message execution timing in millisecondes, default is 300ms


Display LCDTerm {
    Driver   'PHAnderson'
    Port     '/dev/tts/0'
    Speed     19200
    Size     '24x2'
    Blackligth 100
    Bootscreen '123456789012345678901234ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX'
    WRITE     170
    READ      10
    BOOT      300