====== ISDN Monitor (imon) plugin ====== This plugin gets information from an installed imond and/or telmond running on localhost or on a remote computer. With this plugin it is possible to show information about the last telephone call on a display (telmond) or you can see wether the [[http://www.fli4l.de/|fli4l]]/[[http://www.eisfair.org|eisfair]]-Router is online and so on. ---- ===== Functions ===== |imon(//cmd//)|Returns the result of the imond command| |imon::version()|Returns a string containing the installed imond version| |imon::rates(//channel//,//dir//)|Returns the current download or upload speed| |imon::quantity(//channel//,//dir//)|Returns the number of bytes up or downloaded| |imon::status(//channel//)|Returns 1 if the channel is online otherwise 0| |imon::telmon(//telinfo//)|Returns a string containg information about the last telephone call | For possible imond commands (//cmd//) take a look into the [[http://www.fli4l.de/german/extern/doku/portal.html|imond documentation]].\\\ The following //channel//s are valid: |pppoe|If you are using a dsl line (with pppoe or pptp protocol)| |0|first isdn channel| |1|second isdn channel| The following values for //dir// are valid: |in|Downloading speed| |out|Uploading speed| The following values for //telinfo// are valid: |date|The date, when the last phonecall occured| |time|The time, when the last call occured| |number|The number of the person, who have called you| |msn|The called msn| |name|The name of the caller according to your phonebook| |msnname|The description of the called msn| ---- ===== Configuration example ===== Plugin Telmon { Host '' Port 5001 Phonebook '/etc/phonebook' } Plugin Imon { Host '' Port 5000 Pass '' } Widget ImonDSL_In { class 'Text' expression imon::rates('pppoe','in')/1024 prefix 'In: ' width 9 precision 1 align 'R' update 500 } Widget ImonDSL_Out { class 'Text' expression imon::rates('pppoe','out')/1024 prefix 'Out: ' width 9 precision 1 align 'R' update 500 } Widget ImonDSL_Bar { class 'Bar' expression imon::rates('pppoe','in')/102400 expression2 imon::rates('pppoe','out')/12800 min 0 max 1 length 20 direction 'E' update 200 } Widget ImonDSL_Online { class 'icon' speed 1000 visible imon::status('pppoe') bitmap { row1 '...***' row2 '..***.' row3 '.***..' row4 '.****.' row5 '..**..' row6 '.**...' row7 '**....' row8 '*.....' } } If Host entry is missing, localhost will be assumed.\\\ If Port entry is missing, imond/telmond default's one will be used.\\\ If Pass entry is missing, a empty password will be used.\\\ If Phonebook entry is missing, no replacement of numbers by the appropriate names is made.