====== netinfo plugin ====== This plugin provides meta information about a network interface. ---- ===== Functions ===== |netinfo::exists(device)|determine existence of network device| |netinfo::hwaddr(device)|get hardware address (usually MAC address)| |netinfo::ipaddr(device)|get IPv4 address| |netinfo::netmask(device)|get netmask (IPv4) in long format like ""| |netinfo::netmask_short(device)|get netmask (IPv4) in short format like "/24" (for CIDR notation) |netinfo::bcaddr(device)|get broadcast address (IPv4)| 'device' is a valid network device name, e.g. 'eth0' (do a 'cat /proc/net/dev' for valid names on your system) ---- ===== Example ===== Widget IPaddress { class 'Text' expression netinfo::ipaddr('eth0').netinfo::netmask_short('eth0') prefix 'IP' width 20 align 'R' update minute } This should show the IP address of device eth0 in 20 columns like IP ----