====== seti@home plugin ====== This plugin provides information about a running seti@home session. ---- ===== Functions: ===== |seti(key)|return seti information| The 'key' parameter does not have any fixed values, but is taken as a search key into the //state.sah// file. Take a look at your //state.sah// to see which keys are supported on your system. Common keys are **prog** for 'percentage completed' and **cpu** for 'cpu time spent on current work unit'. ---- ===== Configuration: ===== This plugin needs the following entries in the config file //lcd4linux.conf//: |Plugin:Seti.Directory|where seti@home stores the state.sah file| ---- ===== Example: ===== Plugin Seti { Directory '/home/seti/setiathome-3.08.i686-pc-linux-gnu' } Widget Seti { Class 'Text' expression seti('prog') prefix 'Seti' postfix '%' width 10 precision 2 align 'R' update 1000 } ----