====== statfs plugin ====== This plugin provides an interface to the statfs() system call. Use this plugin to get similar information than the 'df' (disk free) command. ---- ===== Functions ===== |statfs(path, f)|call statfs(path) and return field | 'path' can be any file or directory, usually it's a mountpoint. 'field' can have the following values: |type|type of filesystem| |bsize|optimal transfer block size| |blocks|total data blocks in file system| |bfree|free blocks in fs| |bavail|free blocks avail to non-superuser| |files|total file nodes in file system| |ffree|free file nodes in fs| |namelen|maximum length of filenames| see statfs(2) for details. ---- ===== Example ===== Widget DF { class 'Text' expression statfs('/', 'bavail')*statfs('/', 'bsize')/1024/1024 prefix '/ ' postfix 'MB available' width 20 align 'L' update 1000 } ----