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start [2022/03/08 11:16]
start [2022/05/28 23:00] (current)
hacker3000 fixed github link text
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   * **[[:Download|Download Packages & Source Code]]** LCD4Linux   * **[[:Download|Download Packages & Source Code]]** LCD4Linux
-  * **[[https://github.com/jmccrohan/lcd4linux|GitLab Repository]]**+  * **[[https://github.com/jmccrohan/lcd4linux|Unofficial GitHub Mirror of the Repository]]**
   * **[[:MailingList|Mailing lists]]**: where to get help   * **[[:MailingList|Mailing lists]]**: where to get help
   * **[[:Credits|Credits]]**: development team, donations, contributors   * **[[:Credits|Credits]]**: development team, donations, contributors
  • start.1646734567.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/03/08 11:16
  • by maronvl