====== VNC driver ====== This driver creates a VNC Server, using [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/libvncserver/|libvncserver]]. ===== Example ===== Display VNC { Driver 'VNC' Font '6x8' Port '5900' Xres '320' Yres '140' Bpp '4' Maxclients '2' Buttons '4' Keypadxofs '40' Keypadyofs '70' Keypadygap '10' Keypadcol '8745877' Osd_showtime '2000' Password 'password' Maxfps '22' HttpDir '/home/code/LibVNCServer-0.9.7/classes' HttpPort '80' } ---- ===== Parameters ===== |**Driver**|'VNC'| |**Font**|font size, specified as x (only '5x8' and '6x8' supported at the moment, default is '5x8')| |**Port**|listening port of the VNC server| |**Xres**|X resolution of the VNC display| |**Yres**|Y resolution of the VNC display| |**Bpp**|bits per pixel of the VNC display, valid values are 1,2 and 4| |**Maxclients**|how many clients can connect to the vnc server| |**Buttons**|use keypad buttons, valid range is 0-6| |**Keypadxofs**|X offset position of the on screen display| |**Keypadyofs**|Y offset position of the on screen display| |**Keypadygap**|Gap in pixels between Keys| |**Keypadcol**|Color (decimal format, baaaaaad) for the keypad frame| |**Osd_showtime**|Time in ms to display the OSD keypad| |**Password**|Adds an *unsecure* password option. If you need security, use SSH!| |**Maxfps**|Limits the internal fps rate of the driver. -1 disable this feaature| |**!HttpDir**|Path to libvncservers classfile. You need at least those files: VncViewer.jar, VncViewer.class, index.vnc. You may [[http://libvncserver.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/libvncserver/libvncserver/classes/|download the file from the cvs server]]. Hint: VncViewer.class is inside the VncViewer.jar file.%7C |**!HttpPort**|listening port of the VNC HTTP server. This option will be ignored if the HttpDir option is missing!| ---- ===== Keyboard ===== The defined buttons are drawn on the VNC display after you clicked on the screen. The keys are named "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Commit" and "Cancel". ---- ===== Compile ===== You need libvncserver, zlib and libjpeg to compile this driver. ---- ===== Advanced Example, with keypad support ===== Variables { tick 500 tack 100 minute 60000 currline 1 } Display vnc { Driver 'VNC' Font '6x8' Port '5900' Xres '320' Yres '140' Bpp '4' Maxclients '2' Buttons '4' Keypadxofs '40' Keypadyofs '70' Keypadcol '8745877' Osd_showtime '4000' } Widget keyup { class 'Keypad' position 'up' state 'pressed' expression currline = currline-1 } Widget keydown { class 'Keypad' position 'down' state 'pressed' expression currline = currline+1 } Widget KeypadTest { class 'Text' expression currline prefix 'keypad [' update 1000 width 20 } Widget ImageTest { class 'Image' file 'tux.png' update 1000 visible 1 inverted 1 } Layout L40x2 { Row3 { Col5 'OS' } Row4 { Col5 'CPU' } Row7 { Col5 'BarTest' } Row8 { Col5 'KeypadTest' } Layer 2 { X1.Y1 'ImageTest' } Keypad1 'keyup' Keypad2 'keydown' } Display 'vnc' Layout 'L40x2' ----