====== Image Widget ======
This widget is available on //graphic displays// only!
The image widget allows you to place a individual image on your display. At the moment only PNG files are supported, but with full color and transparency!
The definition of a image widget looks like this:
Widget myImage {
class 'Image'
reload <0|1>
visible <0|1>
inverted <0|1>
===== Parameters =====
|**file**|path to the PNG file|
|**update**|update interval (msec), use 0 (zero) for static images|
|**reload**|expression controlling image reloading on update|
|**visible**|expression controlling the visibility (for blinking effects)|
|**inverted**|expression controlling the inversion (for displays that draw white pixels on dark background)|
===== Layout =====
The image widget is not placed on a row/column basis, but with true pixel resolution. Therefore the layout section looks a bit different:
Layout TestImage {
Row1 {
Col1 'OS'
Layer 2 {
X1.Y1 'ImageTest'
Note that using an extra layer for images may be very useful!
===== Example: =====
Widget ImageTest {
class 'Image'
file '/home/michi/avatar.png'
update 1000
visible 1
inverted 0
Layout Avatar {
X1.Y1 'ImageTest'
===== Image reloading =====
When the //reload// property evaluates to zero, the image file will not be reloaded at image update, so only the //visible// and //inverted// properties will change the display. If you want to reload the image every time (maybe because the image may change), set the //reload// property to 1.
===== Visibility =====
You can specify an expression for //visible//, which will be evaluated every time the image is updated (every //update// msec). If the expression evaluates to 0 (zero), the image is invisible, and will be replaced by blank (transparent) pixels. If the result is not zero, the image will be displayed. This is useful for blinking effects, or activity display.