The driver opens a X11 window based on the geometry specified in the config file. This window cannot be resized. The contents of the window will be redrawn every tick msec.
The driver uses very low cpu time, and requires low bandwitdh, because only modified pixels are redrawn.
The driver needs/supports the following entries in lcd4linux.conf:
Display: must be “X11” \
size: columnsxrows, e.g. “20×4” \
font: xrexxyres, at the moment only “5×8” and “6×8” supported. \
pixel: pixelsize+pixelgap, e.g. “5+1” \
border: border width \
foreground: color of an active LCD Pixel, must be #rrggbb \
halfground: color of an inactive LCD Pixel, must be #rrggbb \
background: backlight color, must be #rrggbb \
This may look weird, but it is weird. Let's explain this a bit further:
The X11 driver tries to emulate a real LC display. A real LCD has a size of columns*rows characters. Each character consists of xres*yres LCD cells. One single cell will be represented by a rectangle of pixelsize*pixelsize pixels.
If you want to, you can emulate the gap between this lcd cells by specifying a pixelgap greater than zero.
size "3x1" border 10 font "5x8" pixel "8+2" gap "-1x-1"
size "3x1" border 10 font "5x8" pixel "10+0" gap "-1x-1"
Sometimes there's a gap between characters, too. You can specify this gap (in pixels again) horizontally and vertically. Usually this gap is the same size as a cell (which is pixelsize+pixelgap). If you specify either the row gap or the column gap as -1, this cell size will be used instead.
size "3x1" border 10 font "5x8" pixel "8+2" gap "20x20"
If you use a font of 5×8, some characters may use the first and the last pixel. So you should specify a column gap, otherwise the caracters may touch. On the other hand, the 6×8 font never uses the first pixel. So you can omit the column gap, and will get the same text layout, but uninterupted bars!
size "3x1" border 10 font "6x8" pixel "8+2" gap "0x-1"
After all: don't try to understand this unless you have tried it out!