The USBTiny project (USBtiny LIRC compatible IR receiver and LCD controller) has released a really simple DIY USB to LCD + IR Receiver. IR Receiver is LIRC compatible, while fully supporting Igorplug protocol. However, there were no support for LCD part. This is now done with the IRLCD driver, developped by Jean-Philippe Civade and published with schematics on [].

The hardware is really simple to do with easy-to-obtain few components. The USB stack is a software-only AVRUSB implementation for ATTiny2313. Have been tested with 1*16, 2*16, 2*20, 2*40 displays. Supports only mono controller displays. There's no backlight or contrast adjustmets.

This driver is based on LCD2USB driver, modified for use on IRLCD. Many thanks to Till Harbaum for his job on LCD2USB! The driver does not support yet the IR part of the device.

Display <name> {
    Driver     'IRLCD'
    Bus        '<string>'
    Device     '<string>'
    Icons      <number>
    asc255bug  <0|1>

BusBus name as displayed during USB scan (e.g. '003'). Only required when using multiple IRLCD interfaces.
DeviceDevice name as displayed during USB scan (e.g. '004'). Only required when using multiple IRLCD interfaces.
IconsNumber of user-defined chars reserved for Icons (default: 0)
asc255bugset to 1 if you don't get solid blocks in bars, but an a wire character

Display IRLCD{
    Driver     'IRLCD'
    Bus        '003'
    Device     '004'
    Icons      1

  • irlcd.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/07/17 18:33
  • (external edit)