Logic Way ABP (ABP08, ABP09) driver
Logic Way GmbH offers the ABP08 (RS232) and ABP09 (USB) appliance control panels with a 3×16 text LCD display.
At the moment the driver supports text output, keypad usage, background color definition. The panel's clock is automatically synchronized from the PC. The panel has an built-in switch contact that can be used to scheduled power-on the computer when switched off.
Other functions (buzzer and situation-dependent background colorization) are future work.
Display ABP08-16x3 { Driver 'LW_ABP' Port '/dev/tts/0' Speed 19200 Size '16x3' Background 'b 1' # background: first character for color r, g, b, c, m, or y; number for brightness 0 = low, 1 = more Switchcontact '/etc/wakeup.conf' # specified file can contain a timestamp (UTC), when switch contact has to be closed for a second # at least the file consists of a single line of text; format is: # switchtime=1258477576 }