Table of Contents

This driver is a “Serial Terminal Display”. It emits the text to be displayed on the serial port. The control codes supported are CR (go to the beginning of the line) and LF (next line). It's very useful as a test program, to check if the serial port works, or for a custom microprocessor board.

Additionally, it is able to generate a few VT100-compatible codes, to support the displays WincorNixdorf Serial Cashier Displays BA63/BA66.


Display Section

Display <name> {
    Driver       'SimpleLCD'
    Model        'generic' or 'vt100'
    Port         <string>
    Speed        <number>
    Options      <number>
    Size         <string>
    BarCharValue <number>


Model'generic' for the normal mode, 'vt100' to generate VT100 ESC-* control-codes to clear screen and move cursor. Optional, default is 'generic'.
Portserial device the display is attached to (e.g.'/dev/ttyS2')
Speedthe baud rate from the display must match this value. Possible values are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 and 115200
Optionsthe *decimal* value for the serial port configuration. The values are passed to the tcsetattr() system call, please see the man of this function to know which flags are needed. 99.9% of the time, this argument is not needed as the default values are fine.
BarCharValuethe ascii value of the character representing a full bloc for the bars. (Not yet implemented)
Sizeeither '20×2' or '20×4'



The following configuration works for a BA63 display.

Display BA63 {
    Driver   'SimpleLCD'
    Model    'vt100'
    Port     '/dev/tts/0'
    Speed     9600
    Size     '20x2'
    # Activate parity and set it to odd
    Options 0001400
    # From the BA63 doc, decimal 219 look like a big full block.
    BarCharValue 219