
MatrixOrbitalGX Driver


This driver supports the USB interface GX Series graphics display modules by Matrix Orbital Corporation.

Display <name> {
    Driver       'MatrixOrbitalGX'
    Size         <string>
    Font         <string>
    Backlight    <number>
    Backlight_R  <number>
    Backlight_G  <number>
    Backlight_B  <number>
    Invert       <0|1>

Size<Width>x<Height> for now only '240×64' is available
Fontfont size, specified as <width>x<height> (only '6×8' supported at the moment
Backlightinitial backlight state for model that have single led for backlight, 0..255
Backlight_Rinitial Red backlight state for model that have RGB backlight, 0..255
Backlight_Ginitial Green backlight state for model that have RGB backlight, 0..255
Backlight_Binitial Blue backlight state for model that have RGB backlight, 0..255
InvertIf 1 then inverts the screen, 0 or 1

Driver will decide, which backlight method will be used by checking the connected device's model. GX24064-WB-BBI → Single LED backlight GX24064-TC-BBI → RGB backlight

Display MatrixOrbitalGX {
    Driver       'MatrixOrbitalGX'
    Size         '240x64'
    Font         '6x8'
    Backlight    110
    Backlight_R  110
    Backlight_G  50
    Backlight_B  110
    Invert       0

The driver provides the following functions:

LCD::backlight(n)set backlight brightness (0..255)
LCD::backlightRGB(n1,n2,n3)set (R,G,B) backlight brightness (0..255,0..255,0..255)

  • matrixorbitalgx.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/07/17 18:33
  • (external edit)