Michael Renzmann: testing various displays with
HD44780 driver
Thomas Skyt Jessen: support and tests for the
HD44780 driver
J Robert Ray: support for
PalmOrb driver
Carsten Nau:
HD44780 GPO support & documentation, ISDN online support
Petri Damsten:
sensors factor and offset patch
Jesse Brook Kovach:
HD44780 dual-controller support
Ole Dreessen:
HD44780 improved timings
Maciej Witkowiak:
HD44780 16×1 display support
Ronald Landheer-Cieslak: autoconf/automake/libtool support
Lars Kempe: 'Fixed' Rows which do not scroll
Luk Claes: debian packaging support
trisoft informationsmanagement gmbh the company I work for and they allow me to spend some of my work hours on lcd4linux
Last but not least: Sam: wiki hosting, webspace, cpu time, storage, beer!